My first web pages appeared at an old, hard-to-remember, address in one of GeoCities' Rainforest neighborhoods. (Don't bother looking for - it no longer exists online). Back in the late 1990s, the only pictures on my site were pictures printed from film and then scanned into tiny files of less than 50k. Getting a digital camera of my own was great, but those first cameras were nothing like what we have today with all our big files and memory capabilities.

After we switched our ISP to Pacific Bell/which became SBC/which became ATT, I created another site on the "new" GeoCities ( I was already thinking about buying a domain in order to change the difficult web address when I got the closing notice from Yahoo, so wasn't totally heartbroken. I am sad about all the internet history that was not archived. In the meantime, I have a lot of work to do on our new site.
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