One of the advantages of Tom's semi-year-round school schedule is that he gets a week off in October. This year, he split the week between San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Ventura, and Big Bear; he covered a lot of area in a week! He started right after school was out on Friday night by flying up to San Francisco where he rendezvoused with his friends-since-freshman-year-at-UCSB, Chris and John. While there, the guys were joined by two of their sons - Jesse lives in San Fran and Sam came down for the weekend. Sunday, they drove down to Santa Cruz and spent the night at John & Judy's, and Monday, Tom drove Chris's rental car down through Big Sur so Chris could spend a couple of days in Ventura before flying home to Boston. I really wanted to see fall colors, so the following Friday,
the two of us drove up to Big Bear. It was a quick trip since we needed to be back Saturday night, but we got to see autumn leaves, check on the cabin, relax, and enjoy some time alone together.