Reports, comments, thoughts, and (mostly) photos of my family, animals, friends, pondfish, plants, and flowers living in and around our Ventura home. (Layout is viewed best in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.)
Alan is flying home tonight and I almost feel like we had a little vacation ourselves! It's been nice to spend time with our old friend and to look at where we live through a visitor's eye. (Never mind all the cold rain - the snow that still hasn't melted is fantastic!)We had a nice dinner at Cholada with Mitch and Julie last night and Alan and I walked around Bubbling Springs Park and Hueneme Beach on my lunch hour. I'm so glad he finally got some sunny days at the end of his vacation!
Okay, I'm sure most people are no longer interested, but I'm still amazed by all the snow - new snow - that appeared after this latest storm blew through!I went to the Channel Islands Harbor to take some pictures at lunch and was pleasantly surprised to see this Great Blue heron along with the beautiful snow panoramas! I uploaded them into a small format, but click on each photo to get a better look.
Alan came back in time to watch the election results but he also got a big monitor to make looking at the photos stored on his laptop more entertaining.
The latest storm arrived from the north around 3 this morning and dropped .6 inch rain before blowing out this afternoon. Dick arrived at noon and it was nice spending the day catching up, sharing photos, and making music together. Mark and Kathy dropped by during the game and added more music, (delicious cookies!), and mellowness to the blustery afternoon. The posting title will link you to some pictures.