Reports, comments, thoughts, and (mostly) photos of my family, animals, friends, pondfish, plants, and flowers living in and around our Ventura home. (Layout is viewed best in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.)
The three of us spent Christmas Eve driving north and arrived at Sam and Jenn's house without needing to drive through weather. We had a wonderful Christmas Day and enjoyed a pleasant five days of visiting with Sam and his friends (human, canine, and feline). We got to relax around the house, enjoy the beautiful surroundings and a little fresh snow, and skied at Alpine Meadows and Homewood.Naturally, I took lots of photos and even put together a few videoclips.
It was nice to be home and see all three of "the kids" together at one time. Sam flew down on Friday and we had a Christmas celebration on the Saturday before Christmas with Dad, Jane, Ron, Bryan, April and Lindsay! Ever since Sam moved up north, we have not had everyone together at one time - we only missed Tim and Mary Ann this year.