I have been involved with the CROP Walk, a fundraiser to address the root causes of hunger, provide disaster relief, and support local Ventura food pantries, for nearly twenty-five years. I have served as coordinator of the Ventura CROP Walk since 2003 and ask for your support in 2006. An easy way to do this is to go to the
CROP Walk online sponsorship site via the Kintera secure payment page and make a donation with your credit or debit card. Although the walk is this weekend, I can collect donations for a few more weeks. This is not only a great way to rally our community to help people who can use help from others, but it's a fun way for people in our city to get together and walk through our beautiful town!

Except for strollers and wheelchairs, we don't allow wheels to be used. "We walk because they walk" is the theme, but we don't discriminate against
who walks!

Besides walking to raise funds, we also encourage everyone to bring canned food. This is used locally by Project Understanding and Catholic Charities.

We celebrate at the the end of the walk - the fact that most of us
don't have to walk around town if we don't want to, the fact that we will have raised somewhere between $26,000.00 and $30,000.00 to feed hungry people, build wells and water purification systems, AND provide aid to victims of hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, and other disasters. As our walkers return, they will be welcomed with refreshing snacks and fun music!